Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Sound and music unite the world. The seven notes of music represent the seven continents on earth. The music produced by the permutations and combinations of the seven notes gives way to all the music in the world. Music is produced when the seven notes play a game together. If one or two notes don't join the play, the game and the rules change. The seven notes are like the seven dwarfs in the story of Snow white and the seven dwarfs. Like the seven dwarfs in the story, the seven notes of music hold mystical powers. However, it is not fun all the time. Good music is produced only when the seven notes are in harmony and in affinity with each other. The magic manifests itself only when all the seven notes of music are used as a united whole and they are used in the correct combination. If good music were the goal of all our endeavours, we should ensure that all the notes are in the correct combination. It is only the unison of the correct notes of music that produces the best music.

The best music is what is sought for at the end of each venture. We seek the best at the end of our venture to unite the world, we look forward to a united world when we reach the end of our journey. The journey is always more important than the goal, our efforts are more important than our concern whether we achieve our goals. The best part of it is that we have begun our journey. The journey does have an end and it has a beautiful end.

The beautiful end is what we are looking forward to when we are campaigning in favour of world unity. We want to unite the world, we want to bring the conflicting factions in the world to a point of agreement. Uniting the world could solve several of our problems because we believe that unity has the power that can run the world's machinery most efficiently. The entire world could be like the different pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. Though a single piece does not make much sense by itself, yet the complete picture is always beautiful as a whole. Although a single country of the world seems to be quite puny and small, the united world is invincible. This could be something like the sweet and beautiful music produced by the correct combination of the seven notes of music.

The music produced by our daily interaction in the world is a mixture of sweet as well as harsh notes. Life is not a bed of roses for any of us, but this is what makes life all the more fun. Life would be quite dull if we were served with only the sweet or only the harsh notes, but at the end of the day, all of us like peace, all of us like to have a peaceful world to live in, all of us want to be happy, all of us like to live in the world symbolised by Snow White.

Snow White could be the symbol of peace and unity in the world. The wicked sorceress, her stepmother, represents the destruction, fatality and calamity in the world, and the seven dwarfs could be symbolic of the advocates of world peace and world unity. The seven dwarfs helped Snow White when she was alone in the forest, and in the end emerged victorious and happy.

Happiness was what Snow White aimed for and she got it in the end. Unity and peace always end in happiness. The parable could be an example where the advocates of world peace and world unity would eventually win over the evil in the world. We would eventually get to say Veni vidi vici to the forces of disunity in the world.

The world is a beautiful place, we must do our best to maintain its beauty. Conflicts, tension and turmoil threaten to ravish the smooth surface connoting the beauty of the world. We must do our best to hand over a safe and secure world to our children and the generations yet-to-be-born. All our efforts should be directed towards a safe and secure world for us and a good future for the generations that are to follow us.

We must learn lessons from the fable of Snow White and the seven dwarfs. The dwarfs did not help Snow White for the sake of personal gains. They did it with a sense of service to mankind. Their efforts brought joy and satisfaction to them. They emerged satisfied in the end. Like the dwarfs, we should also direct our sincere efforts for the service of mankind: the real happiness in the world lies in the service of mankind.

Mankind is imperiled by several problems like climate change, pollution, and population explosion. In 1995, a group of 2000 leading scientists got together under a common umbrella and concluded that global warming is a potential threat to the survival of mankind. They predicted that in the 21st century, the earth's average temperature could further rise by 1.4 to 5.8 degrees Celsius. Various important aspects of our lives would be affected negatively through changes in the climate. All of us would be affected, and it would be our collected responsibility as all of us would be involved in it directly or indirectly. We could help by reducing our contributions. We could contribute by using less electricity to begin with. Production of electricity usually involves the burning of fossil fuels that add to the woes of those campaigning for a clean environment. We could contribute by reducing the amount of traffic on the roads. Traffic on the roads causes pollution by the burning of fossil fuels. There has been no solution to the safe disposal of plastics that remain in the environment owing to their non-degradable nature. The immense quantity of paper we use in the office or school is a result of the chopping of several trees. The ecology of the world is hampered by all this.

All these and many more facts bring out the importance of the efforts of the individuals striving for a safer world, we need a safer world to be happy, all of us want to be happy, but this would not materialize unless it involves the masses. This implies that all of us should come together with our individual efforts to conserve the environment and save our planet earth. All of us should join the rally to unite our efforts. The united effort could be a sum of individual efforts. Our individual efforts could make up to a big effort. Individual efforts directed at achieving a result could work miracles. The result that we want to achieve should be one and the same. Environmental conservation could be another common denominator or another common concern that could unite us in one. The world should unite to combat these problems because all the countries of the world face the same problems, they merit the same solutions.

The solutions should be discussed at a common platform. The seven continents should be brought together, the denizens should be made to feel that they are one. The seven notes of music should be played by a single instrument. A beautiful music would emanate from the combination of the notes----Amen.

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