Saturday, September 19, 2009



There was a terrorist attack on Lucknow yesterday. It was raining all the while, as if the sky was crying for those who died and those who were maimed in the attack. Yesterday is history today. There are only scars of the attack now. The sky has stopped crying; there is neither thunder, lightning, nor rain: there is no reason to mourn now. The rain was symbolic of the justice that The Creator lay forth, the thunder and lightning were only to make me aware of the importance of a still weather, of a peaceful life.

A peaceful life is the greatest asset in the world. All of us want to be peaceful and happy, all of us strive for a peaceful and happy life. Peace and happiness in the contemporary world is threatened by the growing dissonance we have for unity. Unity could be the solution to many of our problems, it could even remove hatred and envy from the word.

It is only because of hatred and envy that we have towards our fellow beings that we have crimes in the society. Only Enid Blyton could imagine the ideal world where there would be no crime, and no one would be punished. Crime is an essential ingredient of a healthy society: no society can survive without crime and criminals. The sociology of every society has crime and criminals, and even if the nations of the world were to come together, crime would not end; and whatever may the eminent reformers down the eons of time may say, we cannot punish the crime, we can only punish criminals.

Criminals are an important part of the society, they do their best to break the peace of the society into pieces. Only an utopian society would be devoid of all crimes. These crimes are a threat to the peace process initiated between nations, they are a threat to the world, they are a threat to world peace.

World peace and world justice are linked to each other because criminals destroying the fabric of peace in the world, the foes of world peace, ought to be brought to justice. These criminals usually wreck havoc in a particular nation, they destroy the fabric of peace of a particular nation, and escape to other nations. Justice cannot be deliverered in these cases because different nations view different crimes in a different perspective. What could be a severe crime as per the legislature of a particular nation may not be as severe as per the legislature of another nation, punishment of the same crime is different in different nations.

Different nations ought to congregate on a common platform to discuss their mutual problems and make efforts to solve them. Discussion of problems brings out solutions: the problem created by disunity among the nations of the world in general and among the legal fraternity in the world in particular could thus be solved by unity. Unity could thus bring out the root of the problem.

The root of the problem could be the difference in the interpretation of law and legal principles in different parts of the world. Different nations of the world interpret the same problem in a different way, the same crime is viewed in a different perspective, and hence the solutions that they merit, the punishment awarded for the same crime varies in different cases. It is high time that the nations of the world realised that all the evils of the society are the same, they merit the same solution, the same punishment ought to be awarded to all the criminals of a certain crime all over the world. this way, all of the nations face more or less the same problems.

The common problems could merit different solutions, perspectives may vary, but they should be bound together in one using a common thread. Once a common thread binds an entity, things become one, their solution becomes easier. The thread could be international law, the world should be bound together using the binding thread of world law. This is like living in a joint family in India. All the members of the joint family are supposed to obey the head of the family, so all disputes among them are amicably resolved by the head of the family. The authority of the head of the family binds the members of the joint family in one group. All the family members have to accept the same legal system.

The legal system of all the nations of the world has to be the same to ensure that proper and fair justice is delivered to all the citizens living in all the different nations of the world. This would ensure prevalence of peace all over the world. World peace is constantly under siege by criminals and terrorists all over the world. Basically, this is because of the failure of the judiciary of different nations to deliver proper and apt justice to criminals that creates terrorists.

Terrorists do not owe allegiance to any particular nation or country. The bullets that they fire, the bombs that they explode speak the language of the poor and impoverished all over the world. Every bomb exploded and every bullet fired is an attempt to wreck havoc and terror irrespective of the nationality or origin of a person. In the wake of such destruction and anarchy, the greatest need of the hour is a strong and efficient legal system over and above all the individual legal systems that national governments have. The legal system should be enforceable all over the world. It should be equally applicable to all the people of the world. The legal system should not be merely on paper, but they should be effective in real life. They should be applicable to all the nations of the world. All the nations of the world should accept and respect the authority of a world law. World law or a unified legal system could be such that it caters to peace in the entire world.

The entire world needs a legal system that would be enacted and interpreted according to the exigencies of social needs of the contemporary society. The contemporary society is divided by differences of caste, class, religion, race, colour and gender. The legal system should be such that it could give justice to everyone irrespective of one's identity, it should be able to deliver justice to even an innocent child, the poorest, the most helpless, and the weakest man. It could thus settle disputes that have been plaguing human society by virtue of the differences it has absorbed. The legal system or world law could thus be the solution to all the difficult and unsettled disputes and conflicts all over the world. World law, World Parliament, World government and World Court of Justice are only a step towards attainment of peace in the entire world.

The world needs peace for development of its resources in the form of its citizens, all of us need peace to be happy, and peace is a prerequisite for happiness. The definition of peace is not just the absence of violence. It is not only the absence of violence from the society that could make us happy. Peace is a greater entity where there are healthy interpersonal or international relationships and safety in matters of social or economic welfare. There is an acknowledgement of equality and fairness in political and social relations. Equality and fairness in political and social relations all over the world could be ensured only by a uniform and consistent legal system all over the world. World law could make the world a beautiful place to live in where everyone would get adequate attention of the legal authorities. Lack of proper attention on the part of legal authorities causes frustration among the plaintiffs and defendants alike. This frustration is the reason behind the destructive activities that the terrorists and criminals undertake. This is what creates terrorists and criminals. They view their actions as a revenge upon the society that failed to deliver justice due to them. At the end of the day, peace in a region is shattered by the actions of a few miscreants only because of lack of proper justice.

Justice thus emerges to be the most important entity for the establishment of peace in the world. The world judiciary could thus play a significant role in ensuring peace in the world. The world would become quite different if only the judiciary were able to deliver justice. The aim of entire law and justice is therefore to unite the world. a united world could be something where miracles could occur. A unified judiciary could thus work miracles in the world. This could be another instance where unity would bring peace in the world. Our efforts towards unity and justice could bring peace in the world that needs peace so badly for the development of the world citizens.

Citizens of all nations ought to unite under the common institution of the world parliament and the world government. The world government could be the solution to almost all of the problems that we face in the contemporary world. The greatest problem in the contemporary world is disunity among the denizens of the world. The world parliament could bring all the differing factions together, it could unite the world, and unity could be the solution to our problems. The greatest problem of all times therefore emerges as disunity.

Disunity could be countered by making one law and order for all the nations of the world. This would be a common binding thread that would bind the nations of the world in one. Global law and justice should be such that one would not hesitate in punishing even one's kin for the sake of justice. To make this possible, education of law and justice should be made compulsory from early childhood in all schools all over the world. Children could be the vehicles of the desired change in our society. They could unite the world. They could be the common concern before all the nations of the world that could initiate the change. To make the change all the more effective, there has to be a widespread effort at inculcating globalism in children all over the world. There should be a concerted effort towards moulding their mindsets towards globalism. This way, every child could be made law abiding and just in his/her formative years, good and healthy world citizens could be formed in this manner. It is thus the responsibility of a modern school to imbibe these concepts within its students right after the first few steps that one takes in education. Schools should cultivate tolerance and co-existence in children who must be taught to love The Creator and develop love for His creations. Therefore, what is required to make ideal world citizens of students is good education. Education lends dignity to mankind. Education seeks to build up the personality of men by assisting in their physical, moral, and emotional development. Education could thus contribute its share to changing the world because the world could be changed merely by initiating a change in a single child.

Every child should be taught that happiness and peace entails from justice: every child should be shown that being just is the ideal from in every organisation. The origin of peace and happiness can thus be said to be in justice. If peace and happiness is the goal of all those striving for unity, justice should also be included in the agenda. The judiciary of the different nations of the world should converge at a single point, and they should unite to deliver justice, peace and happiness to everyone in the world.

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