Friday, September 4, 2009

Unity in the World

Peace and World Unity Education

It is easy to win peace, but we should also win the conditions which make for peace.
—Dr S. Radhakrishnan

It is relatively easy to create peace in the world, but the difficult part of the problem lies in maintaining peace. Once peace has been achieved, all our efforts should be directed towards creating situations favourable for the sustenance of peace. Peace could be maintained if we maintain unity amongst us. We should be focused on the ideas that brought peace in our lives, there should be a unity of thought within us.

Unity emerges as a prerequisite condition for maintaining peace in the world. Unity in the world could deliver us from many of the problems that confront us in the modern world. It could bring peace in the world, peace could bring happiness, a lot could happen if only there were unity amongst us. Unity could be the beam of light that brings the message of life and hope of freedom to convicts in captivity. It could be our saviour from the darkness of the world. To begin with, unity could prevent all sorts of conflicts in the world.

Conflict is the antithesis of peace. Since conflict of all sorts begins in the minds of men, the minds of men should be changed if one wants to avoid conflict and wars in the world. The world can really be a more peaceful place to live in if the masses were educated on the virtues of unity and peace. This is where the importance and relevance of world unity education steps in. World unity education could work miracles for us, it can change the hearts of people, it could change the flow of time, it can bring about a peaceful world.

Peace in the world could be established by bringing the conflicting factions in the world to common terms on a common issue. The common issue should be something that is common to all of us. It has to be relevant to all of us; the issue that could unite us could be our children.

Children are the most prized possessions of all the nations of the world. They are the most beautiful gems that the world ever had. They could be a vital force in uniting the nations of the world. Children could thus promote unity in the world; they could be the flag-bearers of unity in the world.

Unity should be established in the world, all the conflicting nations should unite under one common umbrella, this would be the only way to bring peace to a strife-torn world. This could solve the first part of the problem postulated in the proposition by Dr S. Radhakrishnan. The creation of peace is therefore an important prerequisite for maintaining peace in the world. The creation of peace also creates the problem of maintaining peace. Peace has to be maintained once it has been created. The maintenance of peace is as important or even more important than the creation of peace. Peace in the world It could be maintained in case of a united world.

Uniting the world is of utmost importance to sustain peace in the world. Uniting the world would mean bringing the nations of the world together under one common governing body. Different nations of the world could contribute to the development of a united and beautiful world. A united world would be a better place to live in: what we need the most at the present moment is unity.

Unity is said to be achieved when different parts of an entity come together to form one whole. Unity does not mean that one should not embrace variety, but all the different entities should embrace the values of unity. Unity would not mean that the different nations should give up their sovereignty. They would have to embrace the principles of unity, they would have to agree to be governed by a single body that would be democratically chosen by each of the nations.

Unity could be viewed as a part of the composite culture of the many different countries of the world. The different countries could present a beautiful picture of unity just as the different and yet congruent colours of the rainbow form a complete entity when they come together. The united world could be as beautiful as the rainbow or even more beautiful because the entire world comprises of a lot more than just the seven colours of the rainbow. The world could create a picture more beautiful than the rainbow if only we stand as a united whole. Individual differences are not supposed to be dealt away with as it would result in a monotonus and uniform world. Some differences ought to be there to enable us to recognize each other. Unity in diversity could be the solution to the compelling problems before the contemporary world could therefore be world unity.

Unity among the nations of the world could prove to be useful in quelling most of the problems faced by most nations today. This ushers in the essentiality of inoculating the concept of world unity in the hearts of people of different nations by virtue of world unity education. All the nations should come together as a complete whole to counter the myriad of problems plaguing the contemporary world like environmental degradation, child exploitation and international terrorism. Such problems could be resolved with commendable results if there were unity among us.

Unity is resolving all differences by coming to common terms on a common platform with a common purpose. The nations of the world would be incomplete without the individuals who form the nation as a whole. It is the united individual forces that comprise and make up a strong nation. An individual alone may not be strong enough, an individual's lone voice may not be audible in the clamour of voices heard in the noisy world, but the united voices of a group are always audible to the world at large.

The world today remains divided by a large number of divisive factors including national boundaries dividing the nations of the world. These differences are responsible for the conflicts and turmoils in the modern world. Wars and conflicts only add to the problems faced by a nation. History has borne witness to the truth that wars and conflicts between nations have only led to large-scale famine, poverty and hunger.

Every bomb that explodes, every bullet that kills, every missile that lands, speaks the language of the poor, destitute and hungry of a nation. Problems as poverty and hunger are only the tip of the iceberg of the thousands of problems plaguing humanity. All problems can be resolved if we amicably resolve differences. Resolution of differences would lead to unity. Unity thus emerges to be of prime importance if we want to avoid conflict and strife in the world.

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