Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Peace and unity

Peace and unity

We are a dozen people cramped on a 12-foot boat. Its two rowers take turns shoving the long bamboo pole to the bottom of the muddy river to thrust the vessel forward. The boat develops some fissures at the bottom. Water seeps in. A few of us try to find the fissures. Three others are using containers to scoop up and throw out river water seeping through the cracks and filling the boat to our ankles.
We could be on National Geographic, but we are not. We are the advocates of peace and unity in the world. The boat is symbolic of our efforts for peace and unity, the two rowers are our knights of peace and unity, and the muddy river symbolises the world full of horrors of war and terrorism. The three others and their efforts are symbolic of the efforts to establish peace in the society.

Peace is a state of the mind. There should be peace to foster love and respect among the people of a nation, there should be peace in the world to establish rule of law and order in the world. The concept of world peace should translate as peace of mind in all the denizens of the world. The greatest peace is felt where one feels safe and happy. It is the feeling of intimacy in a place that gives one a sense of safety and security to the mind. In this way, the requirement of world peace translates as the need to make people feel at home wherever they are. Peace could be established if a feeling of intimacy, safety and security were inoculated in the minds of all the citizens of the world.

The world today requires peace at all levels. Peace is a prerequisite for proper law and order in the society in general and the world at large. Rule of law always entails from unity and peace. On the other hand, unity and peace in the society ensures the proper functioning of the society. So, at the end of the day, the concepts of peace, unity, and law and order emerge as being related to each other. The governments of the nations of the world are cursed if they are unable to provide peace to their citizens. The essentiality of peace can be compared to the requirement of electricity in a factory. Just as a factory needs electric power to run, peace is required to run the world. Our lives would be disrupted in the absence of peace, it would be quite different from what it is if there were no peace or even if there were peace. Peace works out to be the greatest need of the hour.

Peace can be achieved by beginning at the basic level, we must begin by inculcating the concept of peace in the minds of people, and we must begin the Herculean task by injecting the concept of unity in the minds of the children. Unity always gives way to peace, unity is a prerequisite for peace to prosper. The dream of world peace could be achieved only if unity is established in the world. Wars and other disturbances in the world are symbolic of the growing dissonance among the world's countries with respect to the concept of world unity.

Unity could be achieved by bringing the conflicting factions in the world to common terms on a common issue. The common issue has to be something that is common to all the nations of the world. The common element should be such that it should foster a concern for itself. A beginning could be made by fostering a concern for the children of the world. Children form the concern of all the nations of the world. They are the common denominators of the world. They are the ones who require the maximum attention in the world. The innocence of children is what could unite the world.

The entire world could be brought together through the concern for children. Making efforts for the improvement of the plight of children of the world could bring all conflicts to an end. Children could be the umbrella that the world would require to protect itself from regular and continuous showers of evils like terrorism, wars and violence. Children form the hyperbola between the present and the future generations. Children are the future of the world, they are the ones who would hold the reins of the world in the days to come. The world's situation could be ameliorated in case the children of the world get the required attention.

Children all over the world need adequate attention and proper upbringing. This is of the utmost importance as these very children would grow up to be citizens of the world tomorrow. It is very essential that they be groomed to be responsible and healthy world citizens who would form the masses of the world tomorrow. The world would be free of all conflicts and even weapons that threaten to create disturbances in the world. The contemporary world seems to thrive on a passion of accumulating arms and weapons. Huge resources are being squandered on research, development and manufacture of advanced arms and ammunitions of mass destruction. These resources could be utilised for the betterment of the children of the world. On the other hand, a large portion of humanity is living in miserable conditions of hunger, poverty and disease. The worst part of the story is that a large portion of this populace is innocent children. Hundreds and thousands of children live in utter poverty without access to proper clothing, food and shelter. Many of them are physically abused and forced to work as labourers. All this needs to be changed.

The desired change could be brought about by the change in the mindset of the masses regarding the children of the world. The masses must be educated to be aware of the fateful world awaiting us unless efforts towards unity and peace are made with immediate effect. The future would be quite different from the one that is forecast by the incumbent situations if a concern for children is developed in the masses. The masses could be and should be united to make efforts for the amelioration of the plight of more than two billion children of the world and the generations-yet-to-be-born.

The children of the world could be the agents of social transformation. The contemporary society is divided by several factions and divisions. Modern society has managed to shirk all efforts to unite the world despite these divisions. Children could orchestrate the change in the society that would be the catalyst for uniting the world. The transformation in the society could be brought about by providing good and wholesome education to children of the world. Education could work miracles in the society, education could serve as a powerful instrument of profound social transformation.

The social transformation could be brought about with the help of schools. Schools all over the world need to redesign their syllabi to suit the exigencies of the modern world. schools should not provide education that enables children to develop as successful bread-winners of tomorrow, but each student should evolve as a healthy world citizen. For this, education should be the same in all schools. Schools must act as the lighthouse of the society from where the rays of unity and peace emanate. They should provide meaningful education, spiritual direction and inculcate leadership qualities in students, and also develop leadership qualities in the members of the society. All this and more could be achieved by improving the quality of education in schools.

Schools should be ready to deliver such education that is tailored to the needs of the era. Gradual but continuous changes in the society brought about by the flow of time should be incorporated in the educational curriculum. In addition to this, education must concern itself with the affairs of the present contemporary age. Education in modern schools should include modern science and philosophy. Children must be provided with a good quality of education. A good quality of education can prove to be the greatest of all services that can be rendered by man to Almighty God. Children deserve to be provided with a good quality of education that builds on their character and inculcates in their tender hearts the love of God. True education releases capacities, develops analytical abilities, confidence in oneself, will-power and goal setting competencies. It should instill the vision that enables one to become a self-motivated agent of social change serving the best interests of the community. The final result would be that children be provided with a high quality of education.

Quality of education is linked to godliness and order. Quality of education emphasises the three realities of man: material, human and divine. Education would be required to build a spiritual base of the lighthouse which is the basic foundation of the education imparted in CMS. The institution believes in making a beginning before the end.

The end is brought nearer as one realises the immense quantity of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction that humanity has accumulated over the decades. These weapons only add to the horrors that would face humanity before the end of the world. The contemporary world is ruled by the order of terror and violence partially ignited by the failure of the judiciary to deliver proper justice to the miscreants and the affected alike. The judiciary of the world should be brought together, they ought to join the chorus of voices in favour of uniting the world, they ought to make all efforts to deliver proper justice to all. This could be made possible by letting the entire world be governed by a single legal system and a united judiciary. There ought to be one and unified legal system applicable to all the countries of the world. This would ensure the deliverance of justice to all. Everyone would be happy, content and peaceful once everyone is satisfied.

Satisfaction with oneself could be the greatest factor in establishing a happy and peaceful society. The world judiciary, if united under a common banner, could thus unite the world. they would be responsible for upholding the rule of law in the world. The voice and pronouncements of the judiciary is respected and accepted he world over. It would be important in giving a new direction to the executive and legislative wings of the government. A new direction needs to be given to the legislature and executive to contain the deluge of violence and destruction that is the order of the day in the world today.

The destruction and mayhem in the world point to a catastrophe that could bring the entire world to an abrupt halt. The end could be worse than the means, we would only end up with losses with nothing to gain. These must be done away with if we want a peaceful world to live in. All of us want a peaceful world, we want a peaceful society, conflicts and disagreements form a part of the list of the undesired.

The undesired should be avoided at all costs. Wars and conflicts have only caused deaths and destruction. Humanity has suffered all sorts of perils like famine, hunger and poverty at the cost of wars. All efforts should be made to put an end to wars and conflicts. All efforts should be made to establish peace in the world. All efforts must be made to avoid wars and other kinds of conflicts. War is the antithesis of peace. Wars begin where peace ends. Wars begin when humanity rubs peace the wrong way. Wars are am external manifestation of the dissonance nations of the world have for peace and unity. Wars are punctuations along the continuum of world unity and world peace. Peace in the world is continuously threatened by the staccato of bullets emanating from the harbingers of doom and destruction. The bullets threaten to destroy the fabric of peace and unity in the world at large, and among individuals. The attack has assumed a highly personal form now. Peace of mind of individuals is shattered by repeated attacks on their surroundings. The issue of peace occupies the centre stage in almost all matters in our day to day lives. It is time that we forgot our mutual differences and came to common terms to establish peace and harmony in the world.

Our boat could finally make it to the shore because there was unity among us. All of us pitched in our efforts to pail the water out of the boat, and we were saved from a catastrophe. The world today faces a similar crisis. It is only by virtue of our unity that we can row the boat with all of us to the safety.

Safety and security is what all of us need. They form the bottom of the pyramid of needs of a man. For safety and security in the world, there must be peace and unity in the world. The concepts of peace and unity are not mere principles that are dusted off every peace march when fervour of unity is on a high and usually brought up by nonstop unity songs on loudspeakers. The concepts are more about translating the concept into our lives every day and every minute. This is where the concept of world unity education steps in.

World unity education is only a part of the battle fought by CMS. There are still plenty of battles to fight, there are still a lot of milestones to cover, the concept of unity is constantly, gradually, and slowly evolving. The perfect world is still a distant dream. There are plenty who still go to bed hungry, there are hundreds who don't have enough clothes to wear, gender, racial, and social inequality is still the way of life for most of us.

There are miles to go before we relax, miles to go before we sleep, but there are plenty of reasons to be hopeful. These are some of the voices that are loud, clear, passionate and strong. They refuse to give up on unity. The fireballs of change only need to be ignited.

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