Sunday, September 19, 2010

Drugs, children and education

Drugs, children and the world
Addiction to drugs is not a common phenomenon, but it remains a malaise afflicting the society with graver consequences than could hardly be imagined. Though drug abuse remains something to be whispered in social circles, yet many of the elite might find themselves in its grips. This doesn’t mean that drug and substance abuse has left the underprivileged untouched. The gentry from the lower social class find themselves afflicted by so many nuances of everyday life that they have to resort to pleasure-giving things as drugs to get over the serenity of their lives. In its quest for a united and peaceful society, City Montessori School(CMS) has been exerting every effort to rid the society of the menace by virtue of the tool capable of changing the world, education. regular studies and analyses of instances of drug abuse have shown a relation between social class and instances of drug abuse.

There does seem to be a proportionate relation between the social class and substance abuse resorted to. The relationship could probably be explained in a way that the well-off are able to hide their delinquency in a better manner than those not as well-off. Socio-economic status of drug addicts gives a definite pattern of substance abuse among drug addicts in the society.

Drug addicts begin the addiction as a form of escape from the contemporary problems they see around themselves. Drugs do provide a momentary and temporary relief from problems of everyday life, the psychotropic drugs alter the mood of the user. They could be the best way to emerge from the monotony of life, but the consequences posed by their withdrawl are quite severe. Moreover, those suffering from an addiction are prone to suffer from many other problems resulting from the addiction. They face reduced chances of socio-economic amelioration.

Another point of consequence is that people from lower socio economic status are found to suffer from an increased number of disorders resulting from addiction to drugs and alcohol. In other words, they are more prone to the detrimental effects of alcohol and drugs as compared to those with a higher socio-economic status. The greater number of people from the lower social class makes them more vulnerable to the detrimental effects of drug abuse.

Drug abuse is initiated when children try out drugs to whet their curiosity. They are pushed towards them by the peer group and the satisfaction and gratification derived from its use by the group. They are perceived as a tool to gain a release from problems faced in everyday life. Cocaine, ecstasy pills, marijuana, illicit prescription drugs and psychedelic mushrooms are only some of the drugs college students all over the world use to get rid of the tensions daily life brings into their lives. But the genesis of all this lies in the very beginning of life, it lies in the school.

Children at school are at a very tender and delicate stage of their lives. They are like the tender stems of saplings that could be made to grow in any direction they find themselves in. Schools should impart education capable of preventing students from falling into the death trap of drugs in the first place. Schools should provide an educational model capable of imbibing the students with confidence and strength enough to counter the difficulties posed by the world, and they should be able to do so without resorting to drugs. The problem begins to take a definite shape when drugs are seen as an option to get out of the tyrannies and ironies of life.

The problems brought before us by life should be taken as challenges. The outlook towards these problems needs to be changed. The change could be initiated by initiating a change in the pattern of education imparted to children. Proper education could bring about the desired metamorphosis in the society. Children need proper social and psychological conditioning that is capable of pushing the urge to consume drugs to be happy to the foreground. Drug abuse becomes dangerous because it breaks the barriers between the reality and myth. Drug abusers float into the realms of their dreams. The realisation that this is merely an illusion creates a sense of discontentment and dissatisfaction. The realisation takes some time to settle down in the intellect of the drug abuser.

The problem with drug abuse is that the reality injects a feeling of satisfaction with the reality, whatever it may be. The reality can never be perceived as an ideal if one looks for progress. Progress is possible only if one perceives the present as an imperfect realisation of one’s ideals. Progress is possible if we look at today as another ordinary day granted to us so that we could make the tomorrow better than today. Consumption of drugs brings with itself the problem that it makes today and the present moment appear to be better than any other moment of our lives. Education should be aimed at improving the future lives of students without hampering their present. This is what education imparted at CMS aims at.

Students at CMS are injected with a dose of education capable of making their tomorrow a beautiful world. The beauty of the world could be comprehended completely by looking at the world as an entity full of disruption and destruction, because this is what is capable of bringing out the best in individuals. The problems of the whole world serve the purpose behind education---they bring out different entities in the world together.

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