Friday, September 24, 2010

Smoking a child's future

Smoking a child’s future
Smoking has been an obsession with most of us. It carries with itself such grave consequences as can hardly be imagined. Smoking is known to be detrimental to the social, mental and physical well-being of smokers as well as all those associated with the smoker. This is also called involuntary or secondhand smoking. Smoking a cigarette or a cigar could be as detrimental to someone’s health as to a non-smoker. Passive smoking is known to have detrimental effects as respiratory disorders, pulmonary disorders, and even stomach ailments. The smoke exhaled or inhaled by a smoker contains more than 400 substances that have harmful effects on the user as well as those in contact with smokers. Smoke from cigarettes is believed to have carcinogenic effects on the individual in particular, and the society as a whole. Some of the carcinogens active for passive smokers could be enumerated as benzene; 1, 3-butadiene; benzo[a]pyrene; 4-(methyinitrosamino)-1-(pyridyl)-1-butanone.

All these chemicals could prove to be detrimental to the health of adults as well as children because people of all ages come in contact with a smoker’s smoke in one form or the other. It is known to be equally harmful for toddlers, infants, teenagers and even adolescents. Everyone inhales cigarette smoke in one form or the other. It makes a very little difference if one opens the windows of the room for ventilation for smoke to find its way out. An adequate quantity of smoke always remains in the room to harm family members including children. Children from households that have smokers are more likely to fall ill than children from households that don’t have smokers. Passive smoking, in a way, affects the development of children besides their school attendance in schools in developed, developing and underdeveloped countries. Everyone falls prey to the demon of passive smoking regardless of his or her age, gender or class. Society is affected in a lot of ways by smokers.

Smoking by pregnant and nursing mothers could prove to be detrimental to the babies. In all cases of studies conducted, the offspring is found to be lighter and shorter than the ones who have parents who don’t smoke. Incidents of placental abortion, prenatal mortality and premature labour are found to be more in case of mothers who smoke. Smoking of the mother may also cause congenital damage to the respiratory system of infants. Smoking parents are known to have children with reduced potency of the immune system.

Children are the most likely to suffer from the harms inflicted by the dragon of passive smoking, to say nothing of the effects of active smoking. They are at a developing stage of their lives, it is their proper development that should be the main concern of those posing to be guardians of the society.

Smoking before children presents an ideal culture where smoking is glorified. This way, children are more likely to take up smoking themselves. This could take the form of showing actors and actresses smoking in theatres or movies. Children look upon these protagonists as role models and fall prey to smoking themselves. This could explain the government’s efforts at prohibiting the display of smoking and smokers in the media. The media attracts the innocent and vulnerable minds of children with a more potent force than the adults exposed to these shows. While the media aims at the presentation of a symbolic message through all its paraphernalia, the media intends to convey a negative image of the protagonists shown to be smoking, but in their innocence, children take the message at its face value. They absorb the message as it is shown.

Children fail to see the negative aspects associated with the glorification associated with the media and what the protagonists are shown to be doing. This brings about the need to initiate the change within the self if we want to bring about a change in the society. change can never be abrupt and subtle, it has to be gradual and slow. This would involve an accurate measurement of the extent of passive smoking one indulges in.

Incidents of pneumonia and bronchitis in children were found to be higher in cases where parents smoked cigarettes regularly. These effects of smoking are not related to birth weight or the soci-economic class of the parents. The only factor that pointed towards the situation was the smoking habit of the parents.

Measurement of the extent of passive smoking an individual has been exposed to is possible by measuring the levels of nicotine and cotinine in the body. Cotinine is held as a more reliable marker as compared to nicotine as it has a relatively longer half-life as compared to nicotine. The levels could be measured quite conveniently in blood, urine or saliva.

The problem could assume graver consequences if one is continuously and regularly exposed to the smoke of cigarettes. Passive smokers are four times more likely to contract heart and lung ailments as compared to those who are not exposed to cigarette smoke. Active smoking is even more frightening and has even more devastating effects on the health of smokers. There are several governmental and non-governmental organisations offering their services and counseling to smokers who wish to quit smoking.

The campaign should assume global merits and a global recognition because it proposes to bring about a change in the whole world. The campaign is supposed to bring about a revolution for children. It is expected to ameliorate the plight of children afflicted by smokers. These children don’t smoke themselves, but they are the victims of passive smoking.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Drugs, children and education

Drugs, children and the world
Addiction to drugs is not a common phenomenon, but it remains a malaise afflicting the society with graver consequences than could hardly be imagined. Though drug abuse remains something to be whispered in social circles, yet many of the elite might find themselves in its grips. This doesn’t mean that drug and substance abuse has left the underprivileged untouched. The gentry from the lower social class find themselves afflicted by so many nuances of everyday life that they have to resort to pleasure-giving things as drugs to get over the serenity of their lives. In its quest for a united and peaceful society, City Montessori School(CMS) has been exerting every effort to rid the society of the menace by virtue of the tool capable of changing the world, education. regular studies and analyses of instances of drug abuse have shown a relation between social class and instances of drug abuse.

There does seem to be a proportionate relation between the social class and substance abuse resorted to. The relationship could probably be explained in a way that the well-off are able to hide their delinquency in a better manner than those not as well-off. Socio-economic status of drug addicts gives a definite pattern of substance abuse among drug addicts in the society.

Drug addicts begin the addiction as a form of escape from the contemporary problems they see around themselves. Drugs do provide a momentary and temporary relief from problems of everyday life, the psychotropic drugs alter the mood of the user. They could be the best way to emerge from the monotony of life, but the consequences posed by their withdrawl are quite severe. Moreover, those suffering from an addiction are prone to suffer from many other problems resulting from the addiction. They face reduced chances of socio-economic amelioration.

Another point of consequence is that people from lower socio economic status are found to suffer from an increased number of disorders resulting from addiction to drugs and alcohol. In other words, they are more prone to the detrimental effects of alcohol and drugs as compared to those with a higher socio-economic status. The greater number of people from the lower social class makes them more vulnerable to the detrimental effects of drug abuse.

Drug abuse is initiated when children try out drugs to whet their curiosity. They are pushed towards them by the peer group and the satisfaction and gratification derived from its use by the group. They are perceived as a tool to gain a release from problems faced in everyday life. Cocaine, ecstasy pills, marijuana, illicit prescription drugs and psychedelic mushrooms are only some of the drugs college students all over the world use to get rid of the tensions daily life brings into their lives. But the genesis of all this lies in the very beginning of life, it lies in the school.

Children at school are at a very tender and delicate stage of their lives. They are like the tender stems of saplings that could be made to grow in any direction they find themselves in. Schools should impart education capable of preventing students from falling into the death trap of drugs in the first place. Schools should provide an educational model capable of imbibing the students with confidence and strength enough to counter the difficulties posed by the world, and they should be able to do so without resorting to drugs. The problem begins to take a definite shape when drugs are seen as an option to get out of the tyrannies and ironies of life.

The problems brought before us by life should be taken as challenges. The outlook towards these problems needs to be changed. The change could be initiated by initiating a change in the pattern of education imparted to children. Proper education could bring about the desired metamorphosis in the society. Children need proper social and psychological conditioning that is capable of pushing the urge to consume drugs to be happy to the foreground. Drug abuse becomes dangerous because it breaks the barriers between the reality and myth. Drug abusers float into the realms of their dreams. The realisation that this is merely an illusion creates a sense of discontentment and dissatisfaction. The realisation takes some time to settle down in the intellect of the drug abuser.

The problem with drug abuse is that the reality injects a feeling of satisfaction with the reality, whatever it may be. The reality can never be perceived as an ideal if one looks for progress. Progress is possible only if one perceives the present as an imperfect realisation of one’s ideals. Progress is possible if we look at today as another ordinary day granted to us so that we could make the tomorrow better than today. Consumption of drugs brings with itself the problem that it makes today and the present moment appear to be better than any other moment of our lives. Education should be aimed at improving the future lives of students without hampering their present. This is what education imparted at CMS aims at.

Students at CMS are injected with a dose of education capable of making their tomorrow a beautiful world. The beauty of the world could be comprehended completely by looking at the world as an entity full of disruption and destruction, because this is what is capable of bringing out the best in individuals. The problems of the whole world serve the purpose behind education---they bring out different entities in the world together.

Friday, September 17, 2010

All about education

Education has gone a long way in making us who and what we are, but its goals and avenues need to be redefined. The goal of education has become the production of people able to earn a living, and be successful in life. The definition of success needs a redefinition. Education should be directed to the upliftment of the people who are not educated. Education needs to be defined in such a manner that it capable of bringing about a metamorphosis in individuals in particular, and the society in general.

There is a huge difference between education and literacy. A large proportion of the public today is literate by virtue of the several avenues of learning open to the layman, but very few are able to comprehend the difference between education and literacy. Education brings with itself many things that are not visible to the eyes of the layman. It is a lot to do with culture and the process of acculturisation.

The ascent from a being literate to being educated is punctuated by several steps whereby the individual is exposed to realities that are at times not easily absorbed into the intellect. As a literate child becomes educated, he is made to actively partake in the process of development of his community, and to his own proper development. Education is what brings out the hidden potential of individuals that could have been latent and forgotten had it not been for education.

This is where the importance of schools comes in. schools become the harbours where ships of peace and harmony are anchored. This is how the school forms an important and inseparable part of the society. This is how schools play an important role in the acculturation of the society. Education brings a sense of tolerance within the individual. It shows the way to succeed in life. Education adds values to the nuances of everyday life. The goals set out by education can never be achieved till it is liberated from the grips of commercialization.

Education needs to be freed from the grips of business. The educational sector is as much an arena of investment as anything else. About $40 billion are being invested in the educational sector every year for the purpose of creating individuals able enough to make pots of gold. A lot of grey matter is wasted in simply the pursuit of money. Brain drain resulting from the attraction towards IT and management and other fields should be brought to an end. For this, the educational sector needs to be made worthy of being praised and admired. This goal could be accomplished when teachers and students are known to have a definite goal besides amassment of material wealth.

Teachers and students ought to emerge as contributors to the process of peace in the world. The school atmosphere needs to be modified to this effect. The school curriculum needs to be modeled on the pattern to produce the effect. It should be an adequate mixture of human education that would involve mutual cooperation and team work. Mutual co operation and understanding foster trust and confidence, but at the same time, they also give rise to conflicts and strife among individuals. After all, no society can exist without conflict. Conflict is an essential part of all the drama that is staged in the world. Drama often gives rise to conflicts and tension. There are always ways to deal successfully with this conflict and tension. Students must be taught about the principles of law and justice in the whole world as there are bound to be conflicts arising out of the mutual distrust between men and women.

The mistrust and misunderstanding needs to be resolved and need to be countered with forces of trust and understanding. These are the feelings that would make up the human education that should be given to every child as a part of his education. Children need to learn to trust each other and give adequate amount of understanding to each other. This way they could develop into healthy asocial individuals contributing to the society in particular and the world in general.

Students at CMS are inculcated with the concept of holistic education aimed at an overall development of the child. This way, they partake in a lot of hobbies while at the same time focusing on their academic pursuits too. The goal of education as imparted in other schools has become the production of people able to earn a living, this needs to be redefined. Education should be directed to the upliftment of the majority who are not educated. But the ability to read and write can never be equated with the merits of education.

There is a huge difference between education and literacy. A large proportion of the public today is literate by virtue of the several avenues of learning open to the layman, but very few are able to comprehend the difference between education and literacy. Education brings with itself many things that are not visible to the eye of the layman. It is a lot to do with culture and the process of acculturisation.

The ascent from a being literate to being educated is punctuated by several steps whereby the individual is exposed to realities that are at times not easily absorbed into the intellect. As a literate child becomes educated, he is made to actively partake in the process of development of his community, and to his own proper development. Education is what brings out the hidden potential of individuals that could have been latent and forgotten had it not been for education.

This is where the importance of schools comes in. schools become the harbours where ships of peace and harmony are anchored. Education brings a sense of tolerance within the individual. It shows the way to succeed in life. Success can never be alienated from the merits of education. It is education that makes successful people what they are, and it is education that defines their success.

This way, the entire outlook towards success in the world would have to be redefined. The parameters defining success would have to be redefined. Success needs to be defined in terms of satisfaction that could be obtained through adequate education of children. These children would grow up as citizens of the world and they could be brought up to be worthy world citizens if they are given adequate education of the world around themselves. This would arm them with skills and competence to conquer and overcome all obstacles that might come their way. Children need to be made wary of the obstacles that could come in the way. Material education aimed at refining the parameters along which success is measured needs to be imparted. Material education should be capable of preparing them for a healthy future.

Thinking of the future seems to put children in a time machine that propels us to the heavens. These abstract things push us into realms of the unknown, they identify us with God. This brings in the need for a meaningful education that would circumvent all the religions of the world. The All Religion Prayer at CMS is a unique and distinctive feature that sets the institution apart from others in the whole world.

Religion and education are what make a man he really is. While education shows him or her a rational world with all the manifestations of good and evil, religion pushes the individual into an ideal world where only the virtuous and good exist. It depends on the person’s upbringing as to which way he or she is pulled and attracted.

The individual needs guidance at every step of life for proper direction. A proper direction needs to be given to a person’s life from the very day he or she is born. An individual’s home and school are the most important elements in teaching the values of the society to the individual. They are the gates to the society. They are the ones that make an individual give his best to the society, and they also ensure that the individual get the best back from society.

The best that an individual can get from society is respect and tolerance. This would be the direct consequence of the polarity he or she chooses for his life. The direction in which his or her life is headed for should be set out in a clear way. What is needed is a compass that can point out the appropriate direction for the individual. This is exactly what religion and education are aimed at. Religion and education should be given to children or the whole of humanity in the appropriate proportion. This would ensure peace and harmony in the world at large because religion and religious tenets have been found to be at the heart of all contentions.

These religious tenets need to be clarified. They need to be brought before the masses ignorant of the significance of these tenets. Education of these tenets needs to be given right from the days one begins one’s education. This could be the ideal way of inoculating mutual love and harmony for different religions and cultures.

All the cultures of the world are different and unique, but they are all aimed at fulfilling the same purpose of making us happy. It is happiness that all of us strive for, all of us want to be happy, whatever we do, we do to be happy, the sieves of education and religion are supposed to filter out the best that our lives can give us to make us happy. Good education can show the individual the correct way to achieve happiness, this is where schools play an important role.

The role of the school cannot be confined to the provision of proper religious education. it is required to supplement it with an appropriate dosage of material education that is capable of making the child able enough to wade through the world and its exigencies. Schools in general are not supposed to provide anything other than material education.

CMS emerges as the only institution capable of providing an adequate mixture of all the three kinds of education