Monday, May 17, 2010

The lessons that life teaches us

Life teaches us lessons of unity through all different kinds of metaphors, but we overlook such subtle influence our lives. We come across so many instances of unity in our lives, but they pass by unnoticed in the absence of filters to capture the essence of unity. CMS Broader Education Model is an attempt on the part of the institution to probe into the realities of life, to discover the filters that capture the beauty of unity. It is of paramount importance for us to understand the concept of unity in its completeness, this is what makes life live.

Life is a bit beyond what is perceived by our senses. It becomes beautiful when we realise the immense potential behind unity. Life would become all the more beautiful if only we recognised the dominance and presence of these filters that capture unity in our lives. The recognition of the filters assumes such importance that this seems to be the very basic reason for our creation by The Creator.

The Creator created the entire humanity like a single unblemished piece of fabric. He created differences within the single yarn of humanity so that we might distinguish between ourselves and recognise each other as different and distinct individuals. The differences we have are because of the different races of mankind that evolved over the millenniums of our existence. All the races had their own genetic pool, and a mixture gave rise to the differences.

The differences have assumed such enormous proportions that the contemporary world has run asunder on the principles of unity that The Creator wished us to assimilate. It was a beautiful world that He visualised when He created us. It was of a united world that would look the same from all sides.

The world does not have sides. It remains the oblong shaped mass that it was when it was created millions of years ago. Our world is different from all other worlds that were created at about the same time. The difference lies in the dominance and presence of unity on Earth.

Unity is what The Creator stands for. The greatest exigency of the contemporary time is the recognition of the many forces that push unity into our lives. These forces pump happiness into our lives. We need to recognise the filters that capture the breezes of happiness that brush past us like a whiff of fresh air because we spend a major portion of our lives in search of happiness. What we fail to realise is that happiness lies in the source of unity, The Creator. Happiness could be achieved if we inched closer to the source of unity, The Creator. The movement could be essential for the very sustenance of life on Earth.

In its essence, life gives us what our hearts desire. Our hearts want to flutter amidst the rainbow of life. Life borrows its colours from the rainbow, and the rainbow sustains itself by virtue of the colours that flow out of life. The identification of the colours of life with the colours of the rainbow becomes essential for beauty to prevail in the world. The myriad colours of life are what makes the world beautiful. All of us want to be happy, and happiness could be possible only if we turn towards unity. In a way, it becomes our heart-felt wish to be happy, and be united. If our hearts desire to be united, we would have to inch closer to The Creator whose glory sustains all life on Earth. It is only the mind that becomes the source of conflicts and all the dissonance in the world. We need to forge a stronger bond with the human, material, and divine beings that we really are. This could always be done by initiating the CMS broader model of education in all schools all over the world. CMS aims at an overall development of the child.

Children are the soul of the world. CMS broader education model is something that prepares a child for all kinds of challenges that he comes across in life.

This model of education includes the education that a child ought to get and the education that schools all over the world provide. It makes every child an agent of profound social transformation. Every child holds in itself the potential and ability to change the world by initiating a change within itself. The change needs to be initiated and instigated. The broader model of education provided by CMS is an effort to initiate the change within each child.

All children are innocent and pure. They are like the books ready to be written into. These books could be inscribed with any kind of text or material. The material instilled within children would give them the potential to change, the kind of material depends on the environment provided by the school and the home. This way, the child is at the heart of all changes that occur in the world. The potential to change the world is what lies in all children of the world. This potential needs to be tapped. This is what the broader education model at CMS is aimed at. Such an education prepares the child for the world at large.

The world at large is fraught with challenges and novelties of all kinds. The child needs to be armed with all kinds of knowledge in order to emerge successfully from the struggle of life. Every child is treated with the greatest care in CMS because CMS perceives every child as God’s agent of social transformation. The social transformation is what all kinds of education aim for. This is what CMS stands for.

CMS stands for the express desire to transform the society towards a united world. the school must initiate the change within the children, and the children will push the change in the society. A change is needed to bring peace in the world. children are needed to bring peace in the world. CMS broader education model is needed to ensure peace in the world.

Peace in the world becomes so important that CMS organises 31 International Educational Events to promote unity, peace and harmony. The institution organises Children’s International Film Festival every year. Entry to the films screened is free of cost. CMS Educational Films Division produces and collects inspiring and educational films from all over the world. in continuation of its efforts to provide education to all under the Broader Education Model, CMS runs two FM Educational radio stations on 90.4 MHz from CMS Gomtinagar and Kanpur Road Campuses.

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